3 Ways to Beat the Blues!

First, get off your computer and interact with some family or friends. The cure for lonliness is to give friendship to someone else.

Second, stop eating that Christmas candy and make yourself a salad. You are what you eat, and if you keep eating the garbage you are now you’ll be depressed for a lot of reasons.

Third, take a vacation.  No, I’m not suggesting you run off to the desert for a week, although that might help.  Take a day off from your normal grind and do something out of the ordinary…for you.  See a movie, plant an herb garden on a window sill or finish the book you started and left for your “busy life”.

Get out of your own head and start thinking about how you can help someone else.  Read your Bible and let God tell you the next step!  He’s not likely to tell you the whole plan, but if you’ll obey Him and take the first step He’ll reveal the next one!  God Bless!

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